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Our tours are currently based out of the same location doing day trips each day. We love our saddle bag trips on snowmobiles but our concern in doing the same with the ATV’s would be multiple days of rain and one thing we can’t control is the weather. Not saying that with the right conditions we wouldn’t plan a travel trip, but currently we are just doing the day trips from Auberge du Vieux Moulin. Once you’ve stayed there, you will know why!


We include lodging and breakfast and dinner in our package for 7 nights and six days of riding. We can make your trip for fewer days if necessary but need to know in advance.

 Who says that you have to be roughing it to enjoy the outdoors? We love coming back to the lodge after a day of riding, congregating at the hot tub with a favorite beverage and then having a 5 course gourmet meal!


We plan our trips for the middle of Summer to early Fall. The climate is much different in Quebec than the USA. The lakes are frozen and still considerable snow on the ground until Memorial day. Once the lakes thaw, the mosquitos and black flies hatch and are around until mid July. That is about the same time that the mud dries up from all of the melting snow. So that is why we plan our first trip of the season for the third week in July.


Hunting season in Quebec is much earlier than in the USA and some trails will start closing in September. The Fall foliage is spectacular so we squeeze in on trip in September that is the third week in September.

So to make it easy for everyone to remember we decided to have our August trip on the third week in August.


 We are currently working on the details for a trip to the Gaspe Peninsula August 31 - September 7. We are planning to start our trip from Grande Nature Village in the Chic Chocs staying there to explore for two days and then saddle bagging to Perce and back and finishing up back at Grande nature village. Currently working on Lodging, Pricing and SxS rentals

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